Exclusive: Nobility International Pressures for European Army

Image Attribution: Marco Verch; License:  CC BY 2.0

Author: Thomas Moreau

Date: 15.03.2022

For the first time in its history, the Supreme Committee of the Nobility International has passed 2 resolutions in a single day, both of which are directly related to the ongoing war in Ukraine. The Subcommittee of Security's Aachen Resolution details how the Nobility intends to advance the creation of a pan-European army, in the interests of the European nation and international law. The Subcommittee of International Relations' Aachen Declaration outlines a new approach to international relations it refers to as the Aachen Doctrine.

These resolutions directly point to the formal recommendations made by the NISI, who originally proposed the Aachen Doctrine. Part of the Aachen Doctrine explicitly details what it refers to as the "Traitors' Coalition", the conditions for being a traitor to Europe, that aristophiles are prohibited from forming any relationships with them, and "emphasizes" the Nobility's commitment to "enforcing the Aachen Doctrine through economic incentives" with NIDA.

Given how the events in Ukraine have developed so recently, it remains to be seen whether NIDA will revise its intention to fund Roscosmos, although it appears increasingly likely, due to the Aachen Doctrine. The resolutions further address the necessity of a pan-European army to eliminate Europe's dependence on America for its security needs, and consequently, safely pursue its own agenda in the face of American pressure tactics.

The resolutions further mandate Canada's Internationalist Party to adopt the Aachen Doctrine as part of Canada's foreign policy and to establish a bilateral security agreement with the European Union, in light of its looming European army. This is indicative of a change in foreign policy direction of a future Internationalist administration, one which seeks to replace NATO, rather than leave it.